You Are God’s Greatest Creation

You Are God's Greatest Creation

You are important to your heavenly Father, more important than the sun, the moon, and the stars. Those things, in all of their splendor, don’t even come close to you. . .

Knit Together

Knit Together

At the moment of your conception, roughly three million decisions were made about you. Everything from your eye color to the swirl of your fingerprints was determined. . .

Meditate on God’s Power

Meditate on God's Power

Ever pondered the power of our Lord God Almighty? Meditating on God’s power can soothe our biggest worries and calm our deepest fears. . .

Stop and Consider

Stop and Consider

“Stop and consider My wonders,” God told Job. Maybe He was trying to remind us that there is no such thing as ordinary. Let’s open our eyes. . .

Delight in God’s Creation

Delight in God's Creation

Your delight in God’s creation is a gift from Him and an offering of praise for what He has done. To be thankful for the interest God gives you. . .

From Day One

From Day One

From the moment you were born (and even before that), whether you know it or not, you began relying on God every minute of your life. So praise Him today for being there for you from day one. . .

Without Excuse

Without Excuse

If we believe the truth of God and His Word that we are made clean and new in the blood of Christ, then we are without excuse when it comes to thanking Him for all He is and all He has done. . .

The Wonder of His Majesty

The Wonder of His Majesty

Almost all of us have grown up with a view of God as loving, accepting, and forgiving, and we have learned to take those attributes for granted. We’ve lost the wonder of His majesty. . .

The Origins of the Earth

The Origins of the Earth

When you really get to talking with fellow students or coworkers, it is astonishing to discover how unbiblical ideas about the origins of the earth have taken deep root in our society. . .