The Gift of Peace

The Gift of Peace

Whatever is happening in your world, Christ can give you the gift of peace. None of the problems you’re facing are too big for Him. . .

A New Day

A New Day

There are days that start off wrong and finish worse. Wouldn’t it be great to redo our bad days? We have that opportunity. It’s called tomorrow. . .

He Goes Above and Beyond

He Goes Above and Beyond

Are you one of those people who goes above and beyond—at work, in your relationships, and at play? If this is true of you, then you’re more like your heavenly Father than you know. . .

Release Control

Release Control

The demands of this world can overwhelm us, causing feelings of panic, powerlessness, and even paranoia. The solution? We must release control back to God. . .

He Never Changes

He Never Changes

From the economy and headline news to friendships and family relationships, nothing ever seems to stay the same. This can leave us feeling unsteady. But it’s different in God’s kingdom. . .

Anxiety Check

Anxiety Check

When was the last time you did an anxiety check? Days? Weeks? Months? Chances are, you’re due for another. After all, we’re instructed not to be anxious about anything. . .

Take Five

Take Five

We tend to think that the longer and harder we work, the more productive we will be. But when we become fatigued spiritually and emotionally, we eventually reach a point of exhaustion. . .

Honor Your Parents

Honor Your Parents

Honoring your parents is a lifelong duty. It looks different at four, fourteen, and forty, but it is a commandment important enough that almighty God chose to include it in a list of just ten. . .

The Practice of Praise

The Practice of Praise

Often our adverse circumstances sabotage our efforts to honor God in every situation. But the Bible admonishes us to praise God in every circumstance. . .

You Don’t Have to Be Strong

You Dont Have to Be Strong

Twenty-first-century women are told they can “be it all” and “do it all,” but it’s not true. God never meant for us to be strong every moment of our lives. . .