Wait Expectantly

Wait Expectantly

Obviously, we don’t know how God will answer a prayer, because His ways are far above our ways. So watch expectantly to see how He will act in ways beyond your imaginings. . .

He Goes Above and Beyond

He Goes Above and Beyond

Are you one of those people who goes above and beyond—at work, in your relationships, and at play? If this is true of you, then you’re more like your heavenly Father than you know. . .

You Are God’s Greatest Creation

You Are God's Greatest Creation

You are important to your heavenly Father, more important than the sun, the moon, and the stars. Those things, in all of their splendor, don’t even come close to you. . .

Knit Together

Knit Together

At the moment of your conception, roughly three million decisions were made about you. Everything from your eye color to the swirl of your fingerprints was determined. . .

Earthshaking Power

Earthshaking Power

Have you ever reflected deeply on the power that God is? Not that He has, but that He is. Consider this: The One who controls nature also holds every one of our tears in His hand. . .

Strong Tower

Strong Tower

Like a tower that stands tall, and strong, from the ground up, God is a tower to our faith. When Jesus died on a tree and rose again, He became your strong tower as well. . .

He’s Here

He's Here

Maybe pain is running rampant in your life or you are looking at what’s happening in the world and wondering where God even is. But He’s here, and He’s powerful. . .

Lift Your Eyes

Lift Your Eyes

When you find yourself between a rock and a hard place, cry out to God. When circumstances lead you to a dead end, lift your eyes toward heaven. . .

The Light of Jesus

The Light of Jesus

The light of Jesus won’t leave you wanting. It won’t come in a moment and leave you in the next. It’ll stay and grow and give warmth and banish every bit of darkness. . .

Turn to Jesus

Turn to Jesus

If you have let some demon—an addiction, a toxic relationship, a sin you just can’t shake—strip you of your humanity, turn to Jesus. Let Him look at you and love you. . .