Return to Your God

Return to Your God

We have a Savior who freed us from the chains and bondage of sin. Search your heart for areas that you have strayed, then repent and return to your God. . .

Be Slow to Speak

Be Slow to Speak

How quick are we to give an opinion? If we truly believed that God is all-powerful and all-knowing, then why do we jump in and verbally take the reins?

The Lord Is My Shepherd

The Lord Is My Shepherd

Psalm 23 is one we probably learned in Sunday school, but have we ever taken time to actually look at the words and the progression? It’s time to take a closer look. . .

The Essence of Peace

The Essence of Peace

What is your peace? Do you place peace in your work, accomplishments, talents, or money? These things can all become false idols, but Christ is the essence of peace. . .

Rainfall on Dry Land

Rainfall on Dry Land

There are times when our spiritual walk feels like a desert. There are few signs of life or progress, and things are dry and brown. But God is our restorer and rainfall on dry land. . .

Slow to Speak

Slow to Speak

How quick are we to give an opinion or observation? How eager are we to hold our tongues, listen, and discern? More times than we realize or care to admit, our tongues run away with our hearts. . .

Fatherly Love

Fatherly Love

We serve a great and powerful God, yet He is also a Father. God shows such compassion to Elijah in today’s passage. This compassion and pure fatherly love is how God directs us. . .



If someone were to ask you, “Do you consider yourself equal to God?” your answer would be an emphatic, “No!” But how often do our actions overwrite our answer?

God Doesn’t Rely on Time

God Doesn't Rely on Time

We often wait for god. We wait in storms, calm, calamity, and confusion; we wait for His return. But our God doesn’t rely on time; time relies on Him. . .

When God Appears Distant

When God Appears Distant

What can you do when God appears to be distant in your life? Here are some things that David did in Psalms that might also help us during those difficult periods. . .