4 Ways to Renew Your Mind

4 Ways to Renew Your Mind

Paul told the Roman church not to be conformed to the world, but to allow God to renew their minds. Here are 4 ways to renew your mind today. . .

Gossip Hurts

Gossip Hurts

Words can do more damage than any amount of physical harm. Gossip hurts. It tears down and wounds our spirits. It causes deep pain. . .

Understand. . .Then Act

Understand Then Act

Are you an actor or a reactor? Are you a thinker or a knee-jerker? The Lord longs for us to think before we act or speak. . .

Listening Before Speaking

Listening Before Speaking

Listening before speaking is a smart way to live. That’s difficult when you feel like you could just pop with something to say. But God says to wait patiently. . .

Darkness to Light

Darkness to Light

The transformation that changed you from darkness to light is no less dramatic than what your Creator God did in transforming this world. You are a new creature. Live like a new creature. . .

Apply the Brakes

Apply the Brakes

When you step outside of God’s will, things tend to get messy fast. Where do you need to apply the brakes before things get out of control?

What Is Filling Your Ears?

What Is Filling Your Ears?

What is filling your ears, penetrating your heart, and affecting your mood? Challenge yourself this month to increase the amount of time you spend listening to Christian music. . .

Lead a Quiet Life

Lead a Quiet Life

We must be careful not to cause harm to others by gossiping. Leading a quiet life and minding our own business brings honor to God and shines His light on others. . .

Be Silent

Be Silent

Throughout scripture we see the command to “be silent” or “be still.” Have you ever taken a moment to meditate on and ponder this command? Why silence?

Take Every Thought Captive

Take Every Thought Captive

How do we let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts? One way is to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. . .