

God is calling you to reconnect. No matter where you are, when you recognize your need for Him, stop what you are doing and step away. Once you are alone, establish a reconnection. . .

Divine Connection

Divine Connection

Just as the sun restores a darkened earth’s light, the word of God restores your entire person, bringing your mind, will, and emotions back to that divine connection for which you were created. . .

Charmed by the World

Charmed by the World

The world entices us with its fashion, beauty, and youthful preservation. But striving after and focusing on these things is not what God wants for us. . .

Fill Your Mind with Good

Fill Your Mind with Good

Do you categorize yourself as an optimist or a pessimist? Even if your mind goes directly to the negative, God can change you. Ask Him to daily fill your mind with good things. . .

Rainfall on Dry Land

Rainfall on Dry Land

There are times when our spiritual walk feels like a desert. There are few signs of life or progress, and things are dry and brown. But God is our restorer and rainfall on dry land. . .