Desperate Faith

Desperate Faith

Proverbs 3:5–6 tell us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not lean on our understanding. This is hard to do, since we prefer to trust in. . .

Persistent Prayer

Persistent Prayer

When our loved ones are troubled, our hearts are heavy and we feel helpless. But with Christ within reach, we are anything but powerless. . .

Turn to Jesus

Turn to Jesus

If you have let some demon—an addiction, a toxic relationship, a sin you just can’t shake—strip you of your humanity, turn to Jesus. Let Him look at you and love you. . .

God Is at Work

God Is at Work

Seeing your loved ones suffer is difficult. But God is at work behind the scenes. He makes all things beautiful in His time. He is there to heal your loved one—and you. . .

A Touch of Faith

A Touch of Faith

What desperately bold exchange between your soul and Jesus have you kept secret? What story can you share with others to remind them of His power and tenderness, to give them a touch of faith?

Biopsies and Bravery

Biopsies and Bravery

A biopsy reminds us that there may not be a tomorrow for us to enjoy with friends and family. But biopsies also remind us that God is in control and can see every detail of our bodies from the inside out. . .

Touching Jesus

Touching Jesus

The secret to solving any problem is to touch Jesus. We can’t see Him in the flesh, but we can touch Him through prayer and His Word. We must press through whatever may hinder us. . .

Your Health

Your Health

God cares about your health. He took the time to mention it in His Word on multiple occasions. If you have any lingering doubts, just look at the many, many times Jesus healed the sick. . .