The Approval of Others

The Approval of Others

The world tells us how to live our lives—how to eat, love, sleep, grieve, and celebrate. The problem is, the world’s philosophies, values, and viewpoints don’t always mesh with God’s. . .

God Chose You

God Chose You

Have you ever been asked to fill a position for which you felt unqualified? Maybe you aren’t as experienced as the last person who had the job, but God chose you. . .

Confidence in Christ

Confidence in Christ

How can we modern women cultivate confidence in a world that rewards thinness, talent, and tabloid-readiness over character and virtue? First, We must focus our eyes on God. . .

From a People Pleaser to a God Pleaser

People Pleaser vs. God Pleaser

Much of what we do stems from our desire to be accepted by others. Rather than being a people pleaser, strive to please God above all else. . .

Mirror Image

Mirror Image

No matter how hard we try, when the focus is on self, we see shortcomings. There is no way to cover the flaws we see. Our only hope is to. . .

Become the Vision

Become the Vision

God has called you to a specific task and is just waiting for you to take it on. All you need to do is believe and take that first step to become the vision God has of you. . .

Let God Take Over

Let God Take Over

At times, when a task lies before us, we begin to doubt our ability. When that happens, let God take over. Tap into His power and claim it for yourself. . .

Start a Blessings Journal

Start a Blessings Journal

One way to be confident in God is to start a blessings journal. Look back on your life and write down the dates and details of how you’ve seen God’s hand in your life. . .