What Are You Clinging To?

What Are You Clinging To?

Bonding takes place as we draw close to something. So we must choose to cling to what is good and avoid evil. We should not even flirt with sin or we could find ourselves in bondage. . .

4 Ways to Renew Your Mind

4 Ways to Renew Your Mind

Paul told the Roman church not to be conformed to the world, but to allow God to renew their minds. Here are 4 ways to renew your mind today. . .

Temptations of Past and Present

Temptations of Past and Present

Through the Bible, we have the privilege of learning from others’ mistakes throughout history so we will not fall into the same traps. . .

Concentrate on Him

Concentrate on Him

So many things try to snatch our attention from the Lord. They could be worthwhile or necessary, but if they aren’t what God wants us to focus on, we need to ignore them. . .