A Work in Progress

A Work in Progress

God is not finished defining who you are. You are a work in progress. Like a child asking, “Are we there yet?” at each new mile, trying to rush the journey is futile. . .

He Never Changes

He Never Changes

From the economy and headline news to friendships and family relationships, nothing ever seems to stay the same. This can leave us feeling unsteady. But it’s different in God’s kingdom. . .

Allow Change

Allow Change

Although the old and familiar are comforting, being willing to allow change within is important. For God would like to transform you from the inside out as you move through life. . .

Darkness to Light

Darkness to Light

The transformation that changed you from darkness to light is no less dramatic than what your Creator God did in transforming this world. You are a new creature. Live like a new creature. . .



Ah, goals. We have a love-hate relationship with them, don’t we? They seem so doable. . .at first. Then reality kicks in. Did you ever stop to think about why we so often don’t meet our goals?