The Practice of Praise

The Practice of Praise

Often our adverse circumstances sabotage our efforts to honor God in every situation. But the Bible admonishes us to praise God in every circumstance. . .

The Secret to a Happy Heart

The Secret to a Happy Heart

Women often become trapped in the cycle of routine, and soon we lose our spontaneity. But a happy heart turns life’s situations into opportunities for fun. . .

What’s Your Gift?

What's Your Gift?

Every believer is gifted in different ways. Yet we often covet another’s God-given gift. But God equips every believer with different talents. . .

Why Praise God?

Why Praise God?

It’s difficult to praise God when everything in your life seems to be falling apart. But that’s the time to praise Him the most. . .

Live by Faith—Not by Feelings

Live by Faith—Not by Feelings

Our moods often dictate our actions. And emotions can send us down the wrong path. But the Bible instructs us to live by faith—not by feelings. . .

Hold On

Hold On

God hears our pleas even when He seems silent. The problem is that we cannot hear Him because of exhaustion. Rest is key. . .